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Service Learning

When can I start earning service hours?

Students may begin earning service hours after their first full attendance day of their Freshman year.

What kind of projects qualify as Service Learning?

  • All projects must be pre-approved by the Building Administrator in charge of Service Learning or their designee prior to a student beginning a project.
  • Pre-approved project lists will be made available to students in the Service Learning office and on the home school and district web-sites. These lists will include activities for :School based projects
  • Co-curricular projects
  • Booster organization projects
  • Job Shadow or Internship opportunities
  • Projects not on the list will require pre-approval by the Building Administrator in charge of Service Learning or their designee.   

Projects must:

  • Contribute to the completion of a task, which will benefit the community, needy individuals, groups in the community and/or school based parent group.
  • Not involve direct solicitation of funds nor generate profits for any company.  Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges.
  • Not place students in any situation, which would pose a risk to their health or safety.
  • Not place students in a situation that would be inappropriate for their age, background or level of maturity.
  • Not be for political party, campaigning, lobbying, or special interest group or family member.
  • Be channeled through a community based program.
  • Not be in the form of worship, but can be with a religiously affiliated organization.
  • Not involve driving or riding in a car.

I'm a transfer student, will my previous Service Learning hours count?

Transfer students shall receive credit for any approved service learning from previous schools provided it meets the criteria of the District 230 program.  Transfer students entering during their freshman and sophomore year will be required to complete the 25 service hours required for graduation.  Transfer students during their Junior or Senior years will have their hours prorated 3 hours of service per semester. Please see your Service Coordinator for complete details.

Nancy Kermer, Community Service Coordinator

Office hours: 7:30am - 1:30pm

Location: Room S168